While migrating Exchange 2003 mailboxes to Exchange 2010 servers, an user found that he can’t check free/busy data of others users. User was migrated to Exchange 2010 recently.
Running Outlook /CleanFreeBusy gives “Unable to clean your freebusy information” error message. Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007 worked and saw the free/busy correctly.
My colleague found this MSKB article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/945602. It goes on explaining how we supposed to have an free/busy public folder replica on Exchange 2010 servers, because of LegacyExchangeDN and Outlook 2003 compatibility. Well, I do have an replica of free/busy public folder on Exchange 2010 mailbox servers. I did an manual replication (right click on the public folder and select “Send Updates”) and watched the event log to confirm it’s happening.
Again my good old colleague found another blog article (Cannot access public folders from Outlook 2003/2007 after moving users mailboxes to Exchange 2010.) that matched our issue.
By running this powershell command (Get-RpcClientAccess | fl), I found the encryption is enabled on Exchange 2010 mailbox servers.
Server Responsibility Maximum Encryption BlockedClientVersions
Connections Required
------ -------------- ----------- ---------- ---------------------
Exch-MBX2 PublicFolders 65536 True
Exch-MBX1 PublicFolders 65536 True
Oops! We planned to disable the encryption till we finish the migration. so I did it on CAS servers, forgot mailbox servers will receive RPC client access directly for Public folders.
We disabled the encryption on mailbox servers by running Set-RpcClientAccess –Server:<servername> –EncryptionRequired:$False and THAT fixed our issue. Yay!!!
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