Thursday, August 2, 2012

PowerShell: Add all users who works for a manager/director/VP to a group

I couldn’t find a why to add all employees who works under an VP to an Active Directory group. I end up writing my own script and scheduled it to update it every week.

If you are interested, copy/paste the following script into notepad and save it as PopulateGroupByManager.ps1. Run with Manager/Director/VP’s username or distinguished name.

Function: IsAccountDisabled
Purpose: Gets state of the Active Directory User Account (True for disabled, false for
Parameters: <distinguishedName>
Function IsAccountDisabled($UserDN)
#Form the LDAP URL Path
$LDAPPath = "LDAP://$UserDN"

#Get the ADSI object of the LDAP path
$UserObject = [ADSI] "$LDAPPath"

#Get and return Account Disabled binary value (true or false)
return $UserObject.PsBase.InvokeGet("AccountDisabled")

Function: Get-DirectReports
Purpose: Get the direct reports employees list. If the direct report has other
direct reports, call this function recursily to display the direct reports.
Parameters: <User Name> or <distinguishedName>
function get-directreports

#Increase the level of organization structure by one
#Every time this function (get-directreports) called, it is processing
#employees from an Manager

#Get the User object
$userdetails = Get-ADUser $user -Properties directReports,distinguishedName

#Check the account disabled or not
$AccountStatus = IsAccountDisabled($userdetails.distinguishedName)

if ( $AccountStatus )
#Yes the account need to process.
#Processing working employee (possibly an Manager)
#Process through all direct reports of processing employee user object
foreach( $directreport in $userdetails.directReports )
$adobject = get-AdObject $directreport
If ($adobject.ObjectClass -eq "contact")

#this current object is a nothing.
#if we are in this for loop, there is/are some direct reports for
#the processing user object

"Adding " + (Get-ADUser $directreport).name
-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Members (Get-ADUser $directreport).saMAccountName

#Count the global employee count in this organization structure

#Check the each directreport employee has other directreports
$drdetails = get-aduser $directreport -Properties directReports

if ($drdetails.directReports -eq $null)
#No direct reports for this employee...Do Nothing

#There are some direct reports, so call get-directreports function (itself)
#to process the direct reports
get-directreports $drdetails.distinguishedName

#Decrease the level of organization structure by one
#Every time this function quits, we are going to up in the organization structure

Name: PopulateGroupByManager.ps1
Purpose: Get all employees working under a speific VP
Parameters: Distinguished Name of the employee (VP or Director or Manager)

Written by: Anand Venkatachalapathy
Written Date: May 16th 2012

#Turning off the errors and warnings.
I am expecting some warning on contact objects in AD and other disabled accounts.
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

#Import Active Directory Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

if ($args.count -lt 2)
"Error: Missing Arguments:"
"Run this script with two arguments, 1. Manager/VPs UserName 2. Group name to add members."
"e.g., PopulateGroupByManager.ps1 username GroupName"


#Get the passed distinguished name of the employee and assign to the vairable
$DNofVP = $args[0]
$Global:GroupName = $args[1]

#Set the employee count to 1 of this organization

" - - - - - - $GroupName - - - - - -"

"Adding " + (Get-ADUser $DNofVP).name
-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Members (Get-ADUser $DNofVP).saMAccountName

#Increase the employee count by 1 of this organization (before calling get-directreports

#Call the function to process the direct reports
Get-directreports $DNofVP

#Turn on displaying errors and warnings
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"

"`n$count users are added to $GroupName"

#--------------------------- End of Script ----------------------------------------

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