Recently I have had a chance to write the below script to generate a report of all Exchange distribution lists with external email addresses. If you like to generate a report with same purpose, feel free to use my script. Enjoy.
1: <#
2: Name: DLMembers-External.ps1
3: Purpose: List all the DLs that has external users (contacts),
4: Member Names and their external email address.
5: Written by: Anand Venkatachalapathy
6: Created on : 07/26/2013
7: #>
8: z
9: $smtpDomainName = ""
11: #Get all DLs in Exchange organization
12: $DLs = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize unlimited
13: "DLs with external email addresses" | Out-File -FilePath ".\DL.txt"
15: #Check each DL
16: foreach ($dl in $DLs)
17: {
18: #Get the DL memberss list
19: "`n`nChecking $($"
20: $members = Get-DistributionGroupMember $dl.Name -ResultSize unlimited
22: $i = 0
23: #Check each members's email address
24: foreach ($member in $members)
25: {
26: $email = ($member.primarysmtpaddress.tostring()).ToLower()
27: $name = $
29: #Get DL's Owner (ManagedBy)
30: $j = 0
31: foreach ($DLManager in $dl.ManagedBy)
32: {
33: if ($j -eq 0)
34: {
35: $DLOwners = $DLManager.Name
36: }
37: else
38: {
39: $DLOwners = $DLOwners = ", " + $DLManager.Name
40: }
41: ++$j
42: }
44: #check members's email address
45: if ($member.PrimarySMTPAddress.domain -ne $null )
46: {
47: if ( (!($email.contains($smtpDomainName))) )
48: {
49: #found an external email address
50: if ($i -eq 0) {
51: "`n`n`n" + $dl.Name + "`nOwner(s): " + $DLOwners | Out-File -FilePath ".\DL.txt" -Append
52: "Name`tEmail" | Out-File -FilePath ".\DL.txt" -Append
53: "`n`n`n" + $dl.Name
54: }
55: $i++
56: $member.Name + "`t" + $member.primarysmtpaddress.tostring()
57: $member.Name + "`t" + $member.primarysmtpaddress.tostring() | Out-File -FilePath ".\DL.txt" -Append
58: }
59: }
60: }
61: }
63: # * * * * End of Script * * * *
Download the PowerShell Script here:
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