If you like to return multiple values from a function, simply populate a hash table variable in function and return the variable. See my example below. Feel free to use my example function and Enjoy.
Function Get-UserInfo($username)
#Create an hashtable variable
[hashtable]$Return = @{}
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $username -Properties Department, employeeNumber,l,Manager
#Assign all return values in to hashtable
$Return.Name = $ADUser.name
$Return.EmployeeNo = $ADUser.employeeNumber
$Return.Location = $ADUser.l
$Return.Department = $ADUser.department
$Return.Manager = ( Get-ADUser $ADUser.manager ).Name
#Return the hashtable
Return $Return
# Example usable of the Get-UserInfo function
# to show how to return multiple values
$User = Get-UserInfo("JohnDoe")
"Name: " +$User.Name
"Manager: " +$User.Manager
"Location: " + $User.Location
"Department: " + $User.Department
"Employee Number: " + $User.EmployeeNo
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